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English Vocabulary Building

Program English Vocabulary Building ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata dalam berbagai konteks dan situasi, serta mengembangkan akurasi untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang baik.


Program ini menggunakan metode belajar secara Online (Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams) dipandu dan dibimbing oleh guru yang komunikatif, profesional dan ramah dan Onsite (guru datang ke tempat peserta training).

Cakupan Materi:
  • Everyday verbs and irregular verbs

  • Common words and grammars (preposition of place and time)

  • Common uncountable words (bread, money)

  • Common adjectives: good and bad things, people, manner, personalities

  • Common words that confusing (quiet/quite, lend/borrow)

  • Vocabulary about People : family, ages and stages, parts of body, clothes, describing people, health and illness, feelings

  • Vocabulary about The World : countries, languages and origin, weather, places in the town and countryside, animals and pets, travelling, notices

  • Vocabulary about At Home : food and drink, things in the house, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and living room

  • Vocabulary about School and Workplace : occupations/jobs, title, course subject, things in the school and university

  • Vocabulary about Leisure and Hobby : holidays, shopping, in a hotel, eating out, tourist destinations, sports, cinema, art, hobbies

  • Vocabulary Transportation : on the road, public transport, directions, maps

  • Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Reading comprehension : short stories and Informational passages

  • Connecting and Linking Vocabulary : time and sequence, addition and contrast, similarities, differences, comparison, exceptions, reason, purpose, result, conditions

  • Vocabulary about Numbers and Concepts: shapes, distances, dimension, size, texture, brightness, weight, and density, and more


​**Cakupan Materi Program dan Penguasaan Materi akan disesuaikan dengan level program yang diikutinya.**

Ketentuan Kursus

Fokus Bahasa

English Vocabulary

Durasi belajar

90 menit /sesi


2x sesi /minggu

Mulai belajar

Kapan saja


Online: Tidak ada biaya Transportasi

Onsite (Jabodetabek): Tambahan biaya Transport Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)

Level Kemampuan

  • Durasi: 2x /minggu, @90 menit 

  • Jumlah Peserta: 4 - 8 peserta

Rp. 1.500.000,-
Rp. 1.200.000,- /bulan
Rp. 150.000,- / 1 sesi
  • Durasi: 2x /minggu, @90 menit

Rp. 4.500.000,-
Rp. 3.500.000,- /bulan
Full Privat
(1 peserta)
Rp. 450.000,- / 1 sesi
Rp. 2.300.000,- /bulan
Semi Privat
(2 peserta)
Rp. 300.000,- / 1 sesi
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Biaya terjangkau dan Negotiable
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Kelas belajar online & onsite
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Waktu belajar fleksibel dan bisa belajar dimana saja

Biaya Lain

Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,-  |  Buku: Rp.150.000,-

Ketentuan Pembayaran

  • Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.

  • Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.

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