Language Course Online and Onsite

English for Teenager
Formal education: SMP, SMA & SMK Students
Non-formal education: General Students
Program English for Teenager (Formal & Non-formal Education Student) ini disesuaikan dengan silabus dan materi pembelajaran ditingkat SMP, SMA dan SMK yang bertujuan membantu peningkatan penguasaan materi dan keterampilan Bhs Inggris mereka di sekolah agar dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bhs Inggris secara pasif dan aktif lebih baik lagi.
Program ini menggunakan metode belajar secara Online (Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams) dipandu dan dibimbing oleh guru yang komunikatif, profesional dan ramah dan Onsite (guru datang ke rumah siswa).
Suasana belajar yang menyenangkan dan didampingi oleh guru yang ramah dan memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun
Menerapkan metode belajar yang komunikatif dan kreatif (pemahaman skill Reading, Tanya Jawab/berdiskusi dan murif dapat menceritakan kembali material reading tersebut dengan baik)
Program ini bertujuan untuk membuat siswa memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang penggunaan Tata Bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian, siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam menguasai hafalan berbagai kosakata
Program ini juga memiliki target agar murid sudah dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan sehari-hari dengan teman sebaya dan kegiatan belajar di sekolah dengan baik dan benar
Pada saat murid selesai mengikuti program ini, Murid ditargetkan akan mengalami perbaikan dalam penguasaan materi Bahasa Inggris di sekolahnya dan mampu berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan lebih baik lagi.

Cakupan Materi SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)
Kelas 7
Nice to meet you: Alphabet, Names, Greetings, Jobs
Home and abroad: Numbers 1-100, Countries and nationalities, Family members
My favourite things: Personal items, Colours, Opposite adjectives
Whose are these clothes?: People (clothes, physical appearance, personality)
Upstairs downstairs: House / Rooms, Furniture, Appliances
Urban Life: Ways of getting around, Days of the week, Sports, Free-time activities
Lifestyles: Adverbs of frequency, Telling time, Household chores
In town: Location and directions, Travel and transport, Buildings
What would you like?: Food and drink
April showers: Weather, Months, Dates, Seasons, Ordinals
How much is that?: Shopping and prices, Accessories, Places to shop
You can do it!: Talents and abilities, Jobs
Looking back: Sightseeing, Years, Famous people
Techno world: Technology, The computer, Appliances, Inventions
Not my lucky day: Parts of the body, Accidents, Ailments, Misfortunes
Pack your bags: Holiday, Travelling, Landscapes
Kelas 8
Window on the world: People, Countries, Nationalities, Customs, Lifestyles, Culture
How Strange!: Strange events and experiences, Mystery
Food for thought: Food, Restaurants, Vegetarianism, Eating habits
Time on your hands: Everyday life, Hobbies, Leisure activities
Get the message: Communication, Languages, Mobile Phones, The Internet
Urban Life: Life in the city, Places in a city, Cities
Bon voyage: Travel, Transport
Down to earth: Pollution, The future, Technology, Space
Cash in hand: Money, Shopping
Oldies but goodies: Cars, Music, Famous people, Films
A good sport: Sports, Games, Fitness
Working your way: Studies, Jobs, Career
Health matters: Health, Ailments, Problems, Advice
In person: People, Personality, Character
Watch out!: Accidents, Natural, Disasters
On holiday: Holiday, Hotels
Kelas 9
Let Me Tell You
Lesson 1: What Do You Know about it?​
Lesson 2: Why Not Explore More?
Lesson 3: Will You Practice?
Lesson 4: Will You Perform?
Rhythm of Life
Lesson 1: What Do You Know about it?​
Lesson 2: Why Not Explore More?
Lesson 3: Will You Practice?
Lesson 4: Will You Perform?

Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Untuk Penunjang Mata Pelajaran Bhs. Inggris Tingkat SMP
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /kedatangan (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi /minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan


Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.
Cakupan Materi SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas) IPA & IPS
Kelas 10
Chapter 1: It’s Nice to See You
Responding to expressions of greeting introducing and parting
Responding to recount texts
Chapter 2: I’m Sorry to Hear That​
Responding to expressions of happiness
Responding to expressions of sympathy and showing affection
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 3: Would You Like to Come?​
Responding to expressions of making, accepting and declining an invitation
Responding to making and cancelling an appointment
Responding to instructions
Chapter 4: Congratulations! You Did It Very Well
Responding to expressions of congratulating and complimenting
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 5: I'm Very Grateful to You
Responding to expressions of gratitude
Responding to invitation
Responding to monologue of a descriptive text
Chapter 6: Headline News
Responding to expressions of surprise and amazement
Responding to news item texts
Kelas 11
Chapter 1: I Think the Cendrawasih Is Beautiful
Responding to expressions for giving and asking for opinion
Responding to expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Responding to report texts
Chapter 2: Stories That I Like​
Responding to advice and warnings
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 3: Care about the Environment​
Responding to someone fulfilling requests
Expressing relief, pain, and pleasure
Responding to analytical exposition texts
Chapter 4: I’m a Master of Ceremonies
Responding to the meanings expressed by a master of ceremonies
Chapter 5: News Blitz!
Responding to the meaning expressed by a news reader
Responding to the meaning expressed by a show presenter (host)
Chapter 6: Valuable Stories
Responding to someone expressing attitude (giving opinion, agreement and disagreement)
Responding to the meaning in narrative texts
Chapter 7: What a Funny Story!
Responding to expressions of love
Responding to expressions of sadness
Responding to monologue in the form of spoof
Chapter 8: What Education Should Be
Responding to expressions of anger, embarrassment and annoyance
Responding to monologues of hortatory exposition
Chapter 9: I Like This Poem
Responding to a song
Responding to contemporary poems
Chapter 10: Let’s Perform a Drama!
Understanding and responding to contemporary drama
Understanding and responding to film
Kelas 12
Chapter 1: Can You Tell Me the Story?
Listening to suggestions, requests and instructions
Accepting and declining requests
Listening to narrative texts
Chapter 2: How the Water Cycle Works​
Responding to blame, accusation and complaint
Listening to promises, swearing and deterrence
Listening to explanation texts
Chapter 3: Let’s Discuss Some Issues​
Listening to curiosity and showing attitudes
Listening to expressions for discussing possibilities
Listening to discussion texts
Listening to short functional text: advertisement
Chapter 4: It’s a Great Story
Listening to expressions persuading, encouraging and hoping
Listening to expressions persuading, encouraging and hoping
Listening to monologues of narrative texts
Chapter 5: The Book Is Amazing
Listening to expressions of regret
Listening to expressions of telling or asking plans, purposes and intentions
Listening to expressions for predicting, speculating and judging
Listening to monologues of review texts

Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Untuk Penunjang Mata Pelajaran Bhs. Inggris Tingkat SMA
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi /minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan


Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.
Cakupan Materi SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas) Bahasa
Kelas 10
Chapter 1: It’s Nice to See You
Responding to expressions of greeting introducing and parting
Responding to recount texts
Chapter 2: I’m Sorry to Hear That​
Responding to expressions of happiness
Responding to expressions of sympathy and showing affection
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 3: Would You Like to Come?​
Responding to expressions of making, accepting and declining an invitation
Responding to making and cancelling an appointment
Responding to instructions
Chapter 4: Congratulations! You Did It Very Well
Responding to expressions of congratulating and complimenting
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 5: I'm Very Grateful to You
Responding to expressions of gratitude
Responding to invitation
Responding to monologue of a descriptive text
Chapter 6: Headline News
Responding to expressions of surprise and amazement
Responding to news item texts
Kelas 11
Chapter 1: I Think the Cendrawasih Is Beautiful
Responding to expressions for giving and asking for opinion
Responding to expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Responding to report texts
Chapter 2: Stories That I Like​
Responding to advice and warnings
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 3: Care about the Environment​
Responding to someone fulfilling requests
Expressing relief, pain, and pleasure
Responding to analytical exposition texts
Chapter 4: I’m a Master of Ceremonies
Responding to the meanings expressed by a master of ceremonies
Chapter 5: News Blitz!
Responding to the meaning expressed by a news reader
Responding to the meaning expressed by a show presenter (host)
Chapter 6: Valuable Stories
Responding to someone expressing attitude (giving opinion, agreement and disagreement)
Responding to the meaning in narrative texts
Chapter 7: What a Funny Story!
Responding to expressions of love
Responding to expressions of sadness
Responding to monologue in the form of spoof
Chapter 8: What Education Should Be
Responding to expressions of anger, embarrassment and annoyance
Responding to monologues of hortatory exposition
Chapter 9: I Like This Poem
Responding to a song
Responding to contemporary poems
Chapter 10: Let’s Perform a Drama!
Understanding and responding to contemporary drama
Understanding and responding to film
Kelas 12
Chapter 1: Can You Tell Me the Story?
Responding to suggestions, requests and instructions
Responding and declining requests
Responding to narrative texts
Chapter 2: How the Water Cycle Works​
Responding to blame, accusation and complaints
Listening to promises, swearing and deterrence
Listening to explanation texts
Chapter 3: Let’s Discuss Some Issues​
Responding to curiosity and showing attitudes
Responding to expressions for discussing possibilities
Responding to discussion texts
Chapter 4: Delivering a Speech
Responding to expressions used in a speech
Responding to various types of speech
Chapter 5: Let’s Have a Debate
Listening to debates and presentations
Responding to various meanings of debates and presentations
Chapter 6: It’s a Great Story
Responding to expressions for persuading, encouraging and hoping
Responding to expressions for criticising and deterring
Responding to monologues of narrative texts
Chapter 7: The Book Is Amazing
Responding to expressions of regrets
Responding to expressions of telling or asking plans, purposes and intentions
Responding to expressions for predicting, speculating and judging
Responding to monologues of review texts
Chapter 8: Exploring Poems and Song Lyrics
Listening and responding to poems
Listening and responding to song lyrics
Chapter 9: A Powerful Character
Listening how to respond to movies
Listening to movie reviews
Listening and responding to contemporary dramas

Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Untuk Penunjang Mata Pelajaran Bhs Inggris Tingkat SMA
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi/minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan


Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.
Cakupan Materi SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan)
Kelas 10
What is Grammar?
The Capital Letter
Nouns: Common Nouns; Proper Nouns; Singular Nouns; Plural Nouns; Collective Nouns; Masculine and Feminine Nouns
Pronouns: Personal Pronouns; Reflexive Pronouns; Interrogative Pronouns; Demonstrative Pronouns
Adjectives: Adjective Endings; Kinds of Adjectives; Comparison of Adjectives
Determiners: The Articles; Demonstrative Determiners; Interrogative Determiners; Possessive Determiners
Verbs and Tenses: The Simple Present Tense; Am, Is and Are; The Present Progressive Tense; Have and Has; The Present Perfect Tense; The Simple Past Tense; Regular and Irregular Verbs; Was and Were; The Past Progressive Tense; The Future Tense; Can and Could; May and Might; Do, Does and Did; Would and Should
Subject-Verb Agreement
Sentences: What is a Sentence?; Kinds of Sentences; The Imperative; The Subject and the Object; Direct and Indirect Objects; Positive and Negative Sentences; Questions
Punctuation: Period; Comma; Exclamation Point; Question Mark; Apostrophe
Kelas 11
Nouns: Common Nouns; Proper Nouns; Singular Nouns; Plural Nouns; Collective Nouns; Masculine and Feminine Nouns; The Possessive Form of Nouns
Pronouns: Personal Pronouns; Reflexive Pronouns; Possessive Pronouns; Demonstrative Pronouns; Interrogative Pronouns; Indefinite Pronouns
Adjectives: Kinds of Adjectives; The Order of Adjectives; Adjective Endings; Describing What Something Is Made of; The Comparison of Adjectives; Adjective Phrases
Determiners: The Articles; Using Nouns without Articles; Demonstrative Determiners, Quantifying Determiners; Interrogative Determiners; Possessive Determiners; Numbers; Using Determiners Together
Verbs and Tenses: Subject and Verb Agreement; Transitive and Intransitive Verbs; The Simple Present Tense; am, is and are, there is and there are; The Present Progressive Tense; The Simple Past Tense; was and were, Irregular Verbs; The Past Progressive Tense; have, has and had; The Present Perfect Tense, Irregular Past Participles; The Future Tense; do, does and did, The Infinitive; The Imperative Form of Verbs; Gerunds
Auxiliary Verbs: can and could; will and would; shall and should; ought to; must; may and might; Verb Phrases
Adverbs and Adverb Phrases: Adverbs of Manner; Adverbs of Time; Adverbs of Place; Adverbs of Frequency; Adverbs of Duration; Adverbs of Emphasis
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases: Preposition or Adverb?; Prepositions of Place; Prepositions of Time; Prepositions of Direction; Prepositions with Special Uses; Prepositions with Adjectives; Verbs or Nouns
Conjunctions: and, but and or; Conjunctions Linking Phrases; Conjunctions with Lists; Conjunctions That Join Sentences; Other Words for and; Other Words for but; Other Words for or; Conjunctions of Time; Conjunctions of Place; Conjunctions of Reason; Conjunctions of Purpose
Sentences: Four Kinds of Sentence; Sentences with Objects, Verbs with Two Objects; Verbs with No Object; Simple Sentences; Compound Sentences; Conditional Sentences; Positive and Negative Sentences; Questions; Question Tags
Direct and Indirect Speech: Direct Speech; Indirect Speech; Indirect Commands; Indirect Questions
Punctuation: Punctuation Marks: period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation marks, colon; Capital Letter
Kelas 12
May I Help You?: The use of modals; What can I do...? What if ...?
Why Don't You Visit Seattle?: Present Tense: Conjunct-ion: if, unless; Imperative sentences: why don't you... you should, got...; modals: need, should, have to; vocabs: nouns and verbs related to the topics
Creating Captions: Word; Phrase; Clause; Sentence
Do You Know How to Apply for a Job?: Vocabs, phrases, and sentences used in a letter of application; Active-passive voices
Who was Involved?: Topic-related vocabulary; Reported speech (indirect speech) vs direct speech - Past verbs
Online School Registration: Headlines; Quotes;
Direct-indirect sentences; Prepositions -
It's Garbage In, Art Works Out: Headlines; Quotes; Direct-indirect sentences; Prepositions
How to Make: Phrases and sentences to give instructions
Do It Carefully!: Topic-related vocabulary; Commands (imperatives); Adverbial phrase
How to Use Photoshop?: Phrases and sentences to give instructions
Let's Make a Better World for All: Topic-related vocabulary

Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Untuk Penunjang Mata Pelajaran Bhs Inggris Tingkat SMK
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi /minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan


Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.
Cakupan Materi Usia Sekolah Paket C (Non Formal Student)
Tingkat Dasar
Peserta dapat memahami dan menggunakan ungkapan umum sehari-hari dan frasa sederhana untuk keperluan mendesak.
Peserta dapat memperkenalkan diri mereka dan orang lain dan mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai detail, seperti dimana mereka tinggal, benda yang mereka miliki dan orang yang mereka ketahui.
Peserta dapat berkomuikasi dengan sederhana jika lawan bicara berbicara dengan pelan dan jelas.
Peserta dapat memahami kalimat-kalimat dan They can understand sentences and ungkapan umum tentang topik-topik yang sudah dikenal, termasuk informasi pribadi dan keluarga yang sangat mendasar, belanja, tempat menarik dan pekerjaan.
Peserta dapat berkomunikasi dapat berkomunikasi dalam tugas-tugas sehari-hari yang sederhana, yang hanya memerlukan pertukaran informasi yang sederhana dan langsung tentang topik-topik yang sudah dikenal.
Peserta dapat menggambarkan aspek-aspek dari masa lalu mereka, lingkungan dan hal-hal yang terkait dengan kebutuhan langsung mereka, menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana.
Tingkat Menengah
Peserta dapat memahami poin utama dari teks yang jelas mengenai topik yang sudah dikenal dalam Bahasa standar.
Peserta dapat mengelola sebagian besar situasi dalam perjalanan ke tempat-tempat di mana bahasa Inggris digunakan.
Peserta dapat menghasilkan teks sederhana dan terorganisir tentang topik-topik yang sudah dikenal.
Peserta dapat menggambarkan pengalaman, peristiwa, keinginan dan aspirasi, serta menjelaskan pendapat dan rencana.
Peserta dapat memahami gagasan-gagasan utama dari teks-teks kompleks tentang topik-topik konkret atau abstrak, termasuk beberapa diskusi teknis.
Peserta dapat mengekspresikan diri mereka dengan lancar dan cukup spontan untuk berkomunikasi dengan penutur bahasa Inggris lainnya secara nyaman.
Peserta dapat menghasilkan teks yang jelas dan terperinci tentang banyak subjek dan menjelaskan sudut pandang yang kompleks tentang suatu topik, termasuk mengungkapkan keuntungan dan kerugian.
Tingkat Mahir
Peserta dapat memahami berbagai teks yang lebih sulit dan lebih panjang serta mengenali makna implisit.
Peserta dapat mengekspresikan diri mereka dengan lancar dan spontan dengan sedikit kebutuhan untuk mencari ekspresi yang tepat.
Peserta dapat menggunakan bahasa secara fleksibel dan efektif untuk tujuan sosial, akademis, dan profesional. Mereka dapat menghasilkan teks yang jelas, terstruktur dengan baik, dan terperinci tentang subjek yang kompleks.
Peserta dapat memahami dengan mudah hampir semua yang didengar atau dibacanya.
Peserta dapat merangkum informasi dan argumen dari berbagai sumber lisan dan tertulis, dan menyajikannya secara koheren dan ringkas.
Peserta dapat mengekspresikan dirinya secara spontan, sangat lancar dan tepat, membedakan nuansa makna yang lebih halus bahkan dalam situasi yang lebih kompleks.

Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Bhs Inggris Umum untuk Percakapan
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi /minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan


Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.