Language Course Online and Onsite

English Grammar Masterclass
Program English Grammar Masterclass ini akan membantu peserta training membangun fondasi yang kuat dalam penguasaan tata bahasa (grammar) bahasa Inggris. Setiap materi pelajaran disampaikan dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan tersedia pula banyak contoh soal, pembahasan dan latihan soal penguasaan materi English Grammar.
Program ini menggunakan metode belajar secara Online (Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams) dipandu dan dibimbing oleh guru yang komunikatif, profesional dan ramah dan Onsite (guru datang ke tempat peserta training).
Cakupan Materi
A1 - A2
Present simple
Present simple negative
Present simple questions
Present continuous
Present tenses overview
Past simple
Past simple negative
Past simple questions
Past questions
Present perfect simple
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect simple
Past perfect continuous
“Used to” and “would”
Past tenses overview
Future with “going to”
Future with “will”
Present for future events
Future continuous
Future perfect
Future in the past
Future overview
Passive in the past
Passive in the future
Passive with modals
Other passive constructions
Conditional sentences
Other conditional sentences
Conditional sentences overview
Future possibilities
Wishes and regrets
Forming questions
Question words
Open questions
Object and subject questions
Indirect questions
Question tags
Short questions
​​Short answers
Questions overview
Reported speech
Tenses in reported speech
Reporting verbs
Reported speech with negatives
Reported questions
Reported speech overview
Types of verbs
Action and state verbs
Infinitives and participles
Verb patterns
Verb patterns with objects
Verb patterns with prepositions
Phrasal verbs
Modal verbs
Permission, requests, and offers
Suggestions and advice
Making deductions
Articles overview
“This / that / these / those”
“No / none”
“Each / every”
“Either / neither / both”
Singular and plural nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns
Subject-verb agreement
Abstract and concrete nouns
Compound nouns
Approximate quantity
Personal pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Indefinite pronouns
Defining relative clauses
Non-defining relative clauses
Other relative structures
Question words with “-ever”
Introductory “it”
Shifting focus
Shortening infinitives
Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
Comparative adjectives
Two comparatives together
“As... as” comparisons
Superlative adjectives
Adverbs of manner
Comparative and superlative adverbs
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of frequency
“So” and “such”
“Enough” and “too”
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of time
Other prepositions
Dependent prepositions
Coordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
More linking words
Linking words overview
Easily confused phrases
Sequencing and organizing
Correcting and changing the subject
Deciding and hedging
Making conversation
B1 - B2
Verb phrase
Progressive tenses
Perfect tenses
Modal auxiliaries
Progressive forms of modal auxiliaries
Auxiliary verb do
Passive voice
Passive form of modal auxiliaries
Stative passive
Past participles with get
Participal adjectives
Subject-verb agreement
Agreement with nouns
Using other
Adjectives and adverbs
Filler subjects and impersonal subjects
Capitalization, numbers and italics
C1 - C2 (Advanced)
Part 1: word and sentence grammar
Basic sentence types
Be, have and do
Present and future
Past and perfect tenses
Modal verbs
Infinitives and -ing forms
Various structures with verbs
Nouns and pronouns
Determiners (1): articles, demonstratives, and possessives
Determiners (2): quantifiers
Adjectives, adverbs and comparison
Conjunctions, clauses and tenses
Adjective (relative) clauses
Noun clauses
Adverb clauses
C1 - C2 (Advanced)
Part 2: grammar beyond the sentence
Information structure: what comes first?
Information structure: getting the right subject
Pronoun problems
Linking clauses with conjunctions and adverbs
Special word order: fronting
Special word order: inversion
Emphasis: it ... that
Emphasis: what ... is/was
Discourse markers
Reading complicated sentences
Complex noun phrases in writing
Ellipsis with so and not
Ellipsis at the beginning of spoken sentences
Structure of spoken sentences
Short answers, reply questions and question tags
Three kinds of spoken question
Politeness: using questions
Politeness: being indirect
Emphasis in speech: stress repetition
Abbreviated styles
News headlines
Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus Bahasa
English Grammar
Online: Tidak ada biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Tambahan biaya Transport Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
2x sesi /minggu
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Level Kemampuan

Biaya terjangkau dan Negotiable
Kelas belajar online & onsite mulai dari A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Waktu belajar fleksibel dan bisa belajar dimana saja
Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.150.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.