Language Course Online and Onsite
English for Elementary School
(SD Kelas 1 - 6)
Program English for Elementary School ini dibuat untuk membantu siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) menguasai pengetahuan dan meningkatkan pemahaman Bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran di Sekolah dan meningkatkan nilai sesuai dengan level mereka (kelas 1 - 6 SD). Sekaligus melatih kemampuan membaca, berbicara, mendengar dan menulis Bahasa Inggris mereka sebagai bahasa keduanya.
Program ini menggunakan metode belajar secara Online (Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams) dipandu dan dibimbing oleh guru yang komunikatif, profesional dan ramah dan Onsite (guru datang ke tempat siswa).
Sesuai dengan Kurikulum Nasional Indonesia
Biaya terjangkau dan ada beasiswa khusus siswa berprestasi
Metode belajar menyenangkan dan dibimbing oleh guru yang berpengalaman mengajar anak dan ramah serta profesional.
Waktu belajar fleksibel, bisa dipilih sesuai jadwal yang ada
Target program ini adalah murid berhasil terbantu dalam penguasaan materi Bahasa Inggris di sekolah mereka sesuai dengan tingkat kelasnya
Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus bahasa
Untuk Penunjang Mata Pelajaran Bhs Inggris Tingkat Sekolah Dasar
Durasi belajar
60 menit /sesi
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Online: Gratis Biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jadebotabek): Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
2x sesi /minggu
Level Kemampuan
Cakupan Materi
Kelas 1
Alphabet: What is it? This and it is not
Number 1 – 20: Math Symbols
Greetings and introduction: Possessive Pronouns
Things at home: General Statement = Say Thanks
Organ body: Singular and Plural Noun
Animals: To be (is/am/are)
Fruits & vegetables: Do and Does
Colours: Personal Pronouns
Profession: This & That
Exercises: Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Semester 1
Semester 2
Number 1-20: What number is it? (It is …; It is not …)
Food: Uncountable Noun, What is this? (It is a/an ...; This is a/an ...; That is a/an...)
Drinks: Collective Nouns, What is it? (It is a glass of ...; It is a bottle of ...)
Things in the class: Countable Noun, This is a/an ..., That is a/an ...
Things in the kitchen: Singular and Plural Noun, What is it? (It is ..; It is not ..)
Profession: Verb, What is he? (He is a ...; She is a ...)
Exercises: Daily Test, Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Kelas 2
Greetings: To be (was/were)
Number 21 – 100: Math Symbols
Describing things: Article a/an
Public places: Question Using Where
Vegetables: Questions with Short Answers
Birds: Question using what is it?
My bed room: Possessive Pronouns
Exercises: Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Semester 1
Semester 2
My body: Article a/an (What is it? It is a/an …)
Fruits: Countable Noun
Vegetables: Uncountable Noun
Profession: Singular and Plural Noun
Animals: Proper Nouns
Colour: Verb
Food & Drink: Proper Nouns for Country Names and Travel
Activities: Collective Nouns
Exercises: Daily Test, Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Kelas 3
Introduction: This, That, These, Those
Days, Date & Months: There is, There are
How Do You Feel: Adjective (kata sifat)
In The School Yard: Article a/an, the
School Activities: Command & Prohibition, Apoligizing
Parts of Body: Simple Present Tense
Job at Home: Present Continuous (Verb-ing)
Plant: Modal Aux: Did (Past Tense)
Exercises: Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Semester 1
Semester 2
Family Member: Proper & Singular Noun
Hobby: Present Continuous Tense
Time: Is, Will, Do, Does, Did
Transportation: Can
Tools: Indefinite
How Old: Degress of Comparison
Exercises: Daily Test, Mid Test, Semester Test
Kelas 4
Greetings & Spelling: Kalimat Tanya “What”
Meeting New Friend - Introduction: Apostrophe “s”
Things Around Us: Singular and Plural Nouns
Family Relationship: Simple Past Tense
Clothes: Simple Present Tense
My Hobby: How many and How Much
Numbers 1000: WH Questions
Pets: Comparison
Wild Animal: Present Continuous Tense
Toys: Has / Have
Mealtime: Like / Likes
Accessories: Adverb = Adjective + ly
Exercises: Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Semester 1
Semester 2
My Home: Preposition: in/at/on (Position)
Calendar: Like and Dislike
Animals: There is and There are
Nationality: Uncountable & Countable Nouns
Occupations: The Simple Present Tense
Exercises: Daily Exercises, Mid Exercises, Semester Exercises
Kelas 5
Arithmatics: And - But ; Good - Well
My Daily Activities: Adverbs (Time, Manner, Frequency, Place)
Time: Want/Wants
Games & Toys: Past Progressive Tense
Sherly’s House: Comparison (Adjective)
Food and Drinks: How much/many: Countable and Uncountable Nouns; How much …. Asking price
Clothes and Costumes: Prefer/ Prefers; Question using wear
Exercises: Mid Semester, Semester
Semester 1
Semester 2
Seasons: Adverb of Time
Invitation: Adverbs
Clothes: May
Good Hygiene: Do, Does, Did
Thank You: Simple Past Tense
Exercises: Daily Exercises, Mid Semester Exercises, Semester Exercises
Kelas 6
Job: Asking about Jobs; Preposition: in, at, on
At the Botanical Garden: Simple Past Tense; Do you know …?; Apologizing; Season
At the Ricefield: Asking Someone’s Doing; Farewell Expression
Public Places: Using Wh-question: “whose” and “which”; Cara menanyakan alamat; Cara membuat surat
Outside Environment: Asking and Giving Information; Asking height; Asking and giving opinions
Human Characteristics: Describing People; Kalimat Larangan
Solar System: Agreement and Disagreement
Transportation and Direction: Direction; Question and answer for direction; Traffic signs; Asking for direction
Exercises: Mid Semester, Semester
Semester 1
Semester 2
Job: Asking about Jobs; Preposition: in, at, on
At the Botanical Garden: Simple Past Tense; Do you know …?; Apologizing; Season
At the Ricefield: Asking Someone’s Doing; Farewell Expression
Public Places: Using Wh-question: “whose” and “which”; Cara menanyakan alamat; Cara membuat surat
Outside Environment: Asking and Giving Information; Asking height; Asking and giving opinions
Human Characteristics: Describing People; Kalimat Larangan
Solar System: Agreement and Disagreement
Transportation and Direction: Direction; Question and answer for direction; Traffic signs; Asking for direction
Exercises: Mid Semester, Semester
Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.100.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat, pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.