Language Course Online and Onsite

English for
Human Resources
Program English for Human Resources ini dirancang khusus untuk para professional yang bekerja dan berhubungan dengan bidang Human Resources di perusahaan multinasional. Program ini menekankan penguasaan terminology Human Resources dan juga peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi Bhs Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.
Program ini menggunakan metode belajar secara Online (Zoom, GMeet, MSTeams) dipandu dan dibimbing oleh guru yang komunikatif, profesional dan ramah dan Onsite (guru datang ke tempat peserta training).
Cakupan Materi
HR strategy
Vocabulary: strategic approaches to HR
Expressing opinions
Writing HR strategy documents
Formal written English I
Employee resourcing and talent management
Vocabulary: resourcing methods
Interaction in meetings
Vocabulary: resourcing plans
Describing cause and effect
Vocabulary: HR collocations I
Recruitment and selection
Vocabulary: describing personality
Writing: summaries of candidate requirements
Vocabulary: interview methods
Asking follow-up questions
​Vocabulary: candidate assessment methods
Training and development strategy
Vocabulary: HR strategy documents
Formal written English II
Vocabulary: training methods
Personalising training
Vocabulary: HR collocations II
Coaching, mentoring and counselling
Managing conflict I
Asking open questions
Informal spoken English I
Vocabulary: coaching methods
Coaching sessions
​Managing conflict II
Formal written English III
Interviewing employees I
Writing: competence frameworks
Specific competences, knowledge statements, performance standard statements
Employee development and performance review
Vocabulary: approaches to employee development review
Vocabulary: HR collocations III
Discussing an action plan
Managing conflict III
Informal spoken English II
Describing possibility in the past
Describing intentions, plans and possibility in the future
Discipline and grievance
Asking questions using intonation
Writing: rules of conduct
Formal written English IV
Vocabulary: causes of grievances
Formal written English V
​Summarizing opinions
Reward management
Vocabulary: reward systems
Interviewing employees II
Discussing employee surveys and focus groups
Vocabulary: financial and non-financial rewards
Writing: reward strategy documents
​Writing: introducing a new system
HR branding and consulting
Vocabulary: HR collocations IV
Explaining plans and ideas
Vocabulary: HR collocations V Writing: summarising brand platforms
Writing: making emails enthusiastic
Writing: careers web pages
Managing conflict IV
​Writing: service level agreements
Ketentuan Kursus
Fokus Bahasa
Kosakata, Tata Bahasa, Membaca, Menulis, Berbicara
2x sesi /minggu
Persyaratan Khusus
Mulai belajar
Kapan saja
Durasi belajar
90 menit /sesi
Online: Tidak ada biaya Transportasi
Onsite (Jabodetabek): Tambahan biaya Transport Rp. 50.000,- s.d Rp.100.000,- /sesi (negotiable)
Biaya terjangkau dan Negotiable
Kelas belajar online & onsite
Waktu belajar fleksibel dan bisa belajar dimana saja
Biaya Lain
Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000,- | Buku: Rp.150.000,-
Ketentuan Pembayaran
Khusus Privat pembayaran bisa dicicil 2x, 70% diawal dan 30% setelah 4x pertemuan.
Jika melakukan pembayaran secara penuh diawal, akan mendapatkan diskon spesial 10% dari biaya program yang dipilih.